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Masterclass IDFA / Amsterdam 2009

23rd International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam - Escape Club 23 November 2009
A journey through the life and lens of controversial European-based Israeli master Eyal Sivan, who is being honoured by an IDFA retrospective this year, and who highlights the work of other filmmakers with his challenging IDFA TOP TEN selections. His Masterclass focuses on his vision of documentary practice, on the relation between the political and esthetic criticism directed at his films and on his top 10. His own thought-provoking oeuvre takes on the Israeli state apparatus, the construction of collective identity, politics and ideology. It includes Izkor: Slaves of Memory (1991) Rwanda One Genocide Later The Specialist (1999) I Love You All (2004) Route 181: Fragments of a Journey in Palestine-Israel (2004) and this year's new film Jaffa, The Orange's Clockwork.

http://www.idfa.nl/industry/idfa-tv/idfa-media-talks/event.aspx?id=518b00da 2893-4f67-9fc2-9e5af0767e0d


http://www.idfa.nl/industry/idfa-tv/idfa-media-talks/event.aspx?id=518b00da 2893-4f67-9fc2-9e5af0767e0d